Saturday 20 June 2015

Painting Number 6

Hi all,
Sorry I'm a bit late with this post, time seems to be flying at the moment. Tomorrow is the longest day and that means the night are about to start drawing in again.

Anyway, regarding my next watercolour painting, last week I showed you the snow drop that I did for the competition I was entering. Well it wasn't good enough, so I did another on the theme of damselflies taken from a pyrography design I once did on top of a box.
Here is my first attempt at the subject.
Yes, I know its a right dog's dinner. Last week I said that hoping for happy accidents wasn't the way to go, yet my next painting was just the same, in fact, it was worse. I won't even give it a review because it doesn't deserve one.

The only thing to do was try again, but in a more controlled manner. I know that loose water colours that look  like they've been produced by a blind artist who did the job with the brush shoved up his nose are the in thing, but I want better.

Here's painting 2 of the same subject.
Okay, it might not be everybody's cup of tea, but  in my world it is grand improvement on the first effort. If you disagree I'd love to hear your views; please share them with us.

Review bad bits
It isn't terribly interesting.

Good bits
It is tidy and a step in the right direction.

Score 14/100

I'm not sure what I am going to paint next, but I'm going to increase the size. Everything I've done so far is about as big as a post card so I'm going large, well at least twice as big. I'm also thinking of doing a bit more drawing to try and hone those skills a bit

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